Choose Schengen zone country of destination, i.e. the country where you will spend most of the time during your trip |
Status in Canada |
Province of residence |
NCR = National Capital Region (Ottawa and nearby regions, as well as Kingston and Gatineau)
I understand and agree that: 1. My Schengen visa interview will be conducted in . 2., being independent entity not related to any governmental body, including embassies and consulates, is authorized by me to make Schengen visa interview appointment with embassy/consulate on my behalf using information provided by me acting as myself and provide me with the document confirming interview appointment, being the total scope of the purchased service. Third party email address will be used to book the appointment. Any advice, recommendations, notifications, etc. in regards to visa requirements, application forms, consular fees, payment methods, processing timings and all other aspects related to the interview is not part of the service I purchase. Consular fee is extra and must be paid by myself at the time of the interview. Appointments can be obtained through traditional government channels without our assistance and service fee. 3. The first available appointment at the time of processing will be booked as well as there is no guarantee to meet my preferences of dates and times of the interview and if due to any reason I need to change the assigned date and time I agree to pay re-booking fee of CAD75+tx. 4. Consulate has a right to cancel, reschedule my booking or not allow me to attend interview without providing any reasons, as well as to reject issuance of visa and that, it's employees, agents and shareholders does not bear any responsibility for any of the possible consular action(s) previously mentioned and that I waive my right to pursue any legal charges against this company in connection with this purchase. 5.Orders cancelled before appointment setting are subject to full refund minus admin fee of CAD85+tax. No refunds are possible after interview has been booked or for the files abandoned by applicant for 15 calendar days or more.
Applicant's general information
Surname (Family name) |
Surname at Birth (Former family name(s)). If not applicable put "N/A". |
First Name(s) (Given Name(s)) |
Date of Birth |
Place of Birth |
Country of Birth |
Current nationality (citizenship as per passport with which you apply) |
Nationality at Birth, if different |
Sex |
Marital Status |
Please specify other: |
Do you have minors accompanying you during this trip? |
Father's Name |
Mother's Name |
National identity number (where applicable) |
Canadian Local ID (Driver's Lic, PR Card, Health Card) |
Type of Travel document (passport) |
Please specify other: |
Number of travel document |
Date of issue |
Valid until |
Issued by |
Upload the main page of applicant's passport/travel document |
Applicant's home address in Canada
Street Address |
City |
Province |
Postal Code |
Other info
Applicant's email address |
Applicant's contact phone number |
Residence in the country other than the country of current nationality (citizenship) |
Name of the document for residence permit |
Document number |
Valid until |
Upload the image of the main page of applicant's Canadian residence permit |
Current occupation |
Employer and Employer's address and phone number (for students: name and address of the educational establishment)
Name of Employer/Educational establishment |
Street Address |
City |
Province |
Postal Code |
Phone |
Travel info
Purpose of travel |
Please indicate purpose |
Number of Entries |
Schengen zone country of destination |
Choose Schengen country that you enter first before coming to Schengen country of destination (if you enter country of destination directly choose its name) |
Choose other Schengen countries that you are planning to visit during this trip |
Surname of the inviting person |
First name of the inviting person |
Name of Hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in Schengen country(ies) |
Name of Hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in Schengen country(ies) |
Inviting company/organization info
Name of the inviting company/organization |
Street address |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Contact person in company/organization
Surname |
First name |
Street address |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Email |
Duration of the intended stay or transit (number of days) |
Entry permit (visa) for the final (Non-Schengen) country of destination, where applicable
Issued By |
Valid from |
Valid to |
Travel dates
Intended date of arrival into Schengen area |
Intended date of departure from Schengen area |
Contact details of the inviting person/hotel/temporary accommodation
Street address |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Cost of traveling and living during the applicant's stay is covered
Please specify other: |
Family members
Do you have the family member who is AU, EEA or CH citizen?
Provide the following information on this family member
Surname |
First Name |
Date of Birth |
Nationality (citizenship) |
Number of his/hers travel document (passport) or ID card
What are the family relationships with the family member who is AU, EEA or CH citizen?
Place of Interview
As per your province of residence and Schengen country of destination, you must attend interview in: |
Service Type |
Schengen Visa Consular Appointment Booking Service (3 Business Days Processing) - $0.00 (+tax $0.00)
Promo Code |
Expedited Processing |
Have your application processed by our staff ahead of other regular applicants. If qualify and depending on vacant interview slots availability, earlier appointment may be set. - $50.00 (+tax $6.50).